Who is Legally Responsible for My Teen's Baby?


Dear Right Advice,

-BlahBlahBlah- Is there a website or -BlahBlahBlah- to find out exactly what my legal obligations and rights are as a new grandparent? -BlahBlahBlah- 16yr old daughter with a 9mos. old baby -BlahBlahBlah- both live with me -BlahBlahBlah- she refuses to tell me who she thinks the father is so that we can try to get some type of financial support? -BlahBlahBlah- I have an idea of who it might be, -BlahBlahBlah- I need to know how I would go about legally proceeding with something like this? -BlahBlahBlah- Since I am legally still responsible for my daughter until she is 18yrs. of age, does that mean that I am also just as responsible for my grandchild until then as well?? -BlahBlahBlah-


Look bitch,
If you're not up to taking care of your daughter and her baby, then it doesn't matter what your rights and obligations are.

It sounds like you'll be able to take care of your daughter and her baby for the next couple of years... but you're just pissed about having to work harder.

In most states, legally, this is on par with your kid poking another kid's eye out with a stick from the playground. It's your problem.

In most states, it's your problem if your teen daughter has a child; you're responsible. I can't say for sure that an eye-poke, on the playground, sets legal precedent in a case where your daughter's vagina was poked, in some residential construction site, but I'm pretty sure that if the father is named on the birth certificate (and by some stroke of luck, he's still a minor) his parents will be just as much on the hook.

Judging by your abuse of the question-mark, I think that what you truly seek is a solution to this conflict that would require as little effort from you as possible.

My advice to you: Put your daughter, and her baby, into foster care. It will give her and her baby a proper home, and you'll be able to go back to whatever it was you were doing when your daughter was getting fucked in the streets. It's a win/win scenario... unless she figures out how to emancipate herself... then it's just a win for you.


  1. I think that everyone makes mistakes sometimes.Your daughter has already given life to a wonderful baby and responsibility will be mainly yours cause she is really not able to take care of someone else.

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