

Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- I just got rejected by a guy -BlahBlahBlah- I am feelin very low and dejected -BlahBlahBlah- I realize now how it must feel for those who get rejected -BlahBlahBlah- I wonder now if somehow I can be more careful -BlahBlahBlah- Does there ever exist a possible way to let someone down easy??-BlahBlahBlah-


It's your fault that you got rejected. Not because you're a lame person, but because you let him think you're a lame person.
Why did he think you're lame?
Because you can't take a hint.
And why did you not take any of the hints?
Because you're fucking needy.

I know you're needy because the thought of not winning this person over, by yourself, seemed like such an overwhelming task that you decided to cut through to where you'd flat out make him decide - on the spot - if you're worth while.

Ever heard of playing it cool? People who like themselves play it cool, and not because they're good at it... but because they like themselves, which MAKES THEM COOL.

My advice to you: Keep in mind that you only reject the people who ask for it. (Like, they literally ask for it.)

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