Annoying Brother


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- he is way annoying. He does this stupid little thing were he doesnt like to be alone. -BlahBlahBlah- I couldnt even take a showere today becuase he wanted to be in there! Hes 8 for crying outloud! -BlahBlahBlah- What do I do. He acts like a total baby. -BlahBlahBlah- I have to babysit him all week! like an 8 our job! -BlahBlahBlah- I cant stand him, -BlahBlahBlah-


Most of his anxiety probably stems from the television, so the damage has been done. Another side to this is that he wants to be captivated. Do you remember what it was like to be 8? It fucking SUCKED. None the less the kid needs some sort of reassurance on some sort of level and most often when you want a kid to break a habit you captivate them so to detour that behavior and take his mind off of it.

Hmm, if only there were something that you could use to captivate an 8 year old's attention yet at the same time make him want to go out of sight. Oh wait, there is... it's called Fire.

My advice to you: Give him a primer in fire safety and clearly state that he's never-ever supposed to play with fire... then hide a couple books of matches around the house for him to find.

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