Trying to Avoid a Custody Battle


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- married young. -BlahBlahBlah- Felt like it's been over for years. -BlahBlahBlah- We have a 9 year old boy and a 7 year old girl -BlahBlahBlah- My husband says if I want a divorce that he'll fight for custody. -BlahBlahBlah- fathers important -BlahBlahBlah- I think that kids should be with their mom -BlahBlahBlah- want to make it an easy transition for the kids. -BlahBlahBlah- Even though I don't want to be married to him,-BlahBlahBlah- how can I keep the peace?


If I had a button that could destroy a family, I wouldn't push it. But you go ahead and push it all you want, sister.
Oh Divorce! What a romantic prospect. There's so much potential for you to get back what you pissed away because you "Married Young." And joining the elite force of struggling, single parents is a much better alternative than riding it out till your daughter is 18. Nothing makes kids grow up quicker than kicking dad out, having mom work more, and having strange men come by the house for a couple years.

If the kids said they wanted to live with their dad, would you leave it at that?
If the kids said they wanted you to shut up and deal with it, would you leave it at that?

God bless you for wanting to make this a smooth transition for the kids. You're not alone in that boat. But what is so smooth about having the kids share a bedroom in a 2bed-apartment on the weekends?

My advice to you: Keep everyone vested in the home your kids depend on, and you and your husband alternate staying in a 2bed-apartment every other night.

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