Internet Dating


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- I've been on a few dating sites here and there. -BlahBlahBlah- people don't feel it necessary to at least extend the courtesy to say a 'hello' message or something back when I've sent a piece of mail. -BlahBlahBlah- Is there some particular way to go about this? I swear I've tried just about everything but I still don't get anything, -BlahBlahBlah- I never get any random mail from a girl who's viewed my profile either. -BlahBlahBlah-


There are two kinds of guys in the dating scene. There are the guys whom women hope will approach them, and then there are the guys who actually fucking exist.

Honestly, the stylish, charismatic, wealthy, charming, handsome guy is just a easily written off by women as the rest of us - over weight/ sloppily dressed/ big nose/ bad teeth/ needs new shoes/ losing hair/ poor posture/ appears socially withdrawn from across the room - guys.

Needless to say, before you impulsively holler at a girl (and that's pretty much what you're doing on a dating site) you need to keep in mind that it's all a numbers game.

Hitting on a girl is a crap shoot and the odds are 1 in 8.

No one will tell you this but there's only one week in a girl's month where she's actually interested in getting hit on. If you catch a girl during that week where she'll allow you to make a good first impression, then it's a 50-50 chance that she'll say yes.

Now it's almost impossible, in real life, to hit on a girl 8 times and get 8 chances to make a great first impression. However, it is very, very possible to do just that on the internet and this is the one fucking-awesome reason why you shouldn't bitch about how women don't have the "courtesy," to draft an acknowledgement of your email.

My advice to you: Cast a wider net.

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