In the Closet


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- I am 12 and gay. -BlahBlahBlah- I am know im gay, -BlahBlahBlah- confused -BlahBlahBlah- who to trust, -BlahBlahBlah- how to tell my family -BlahBlahBlah- how to find other gay people -BlahBlahBlah-


Tell your family that unrestrained access to the internet made you gay. WTF! You're 12? Who the fuck thought it would be okay to point you to Right Advice?

Seriously kid, you're 12! Anyone who takes you seriously won't care that you're gay, they'll just enjoy the fact that you're 12, and down to keep it secret.
If being a catamite is your bag, then fine, start bumming cigarettes at stop lights near the auto mall. But if you think you're going to find another 12 year old boy who is also gay, you might as well master the art of black male so your prepubescent bj's can be the seeds to 4 figure checks written out by your ex bf's once they're happily situated in the hetero, picket-fence lifestyle.

My advice to you: Focus on being a kid while you're a kid.

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