He Wakes Me Up For It


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- hate more than anything -BlahBlahBlah- BEING WOKEN UP -BlahBlahBlah- I've told this to my boyfriend -BlahBlahBlah- several occasions. -BlahBlahBlah- still wakes me up because he wants to have sex -BlahBlahBlah- can't seem to understand that I hate -BlahBlahBlah- tries all the time -BlahBlahBlah- after I've gone to sleep -BlahBlahBlah- It's never worked out for him -BlahBlahBlah- Why doesn't he get the message -BlahBlahBlah-


"Hate more than anything," is pretty strong phrasing for something you don't deem worthy of kicking him to the couch for.

Obviously your boyfriend's wanting for midnight sex meets perfectly with how much you're willing to tolerate being woken up.

I'd suggest you try and benefit from a compromise. I'm not going to tell you to make one of those deals where he's allowed to wake you up for sex only once a month, as long as you have sex with him, because that would require work on your part. After all, if you hate being awoken, then you'll most likely renege on the deal in your state of fatigue, and I don't think you'll consider what a great deal you're getting for peaceful sleep 29 days out of the month, when it comes time to pay your portion.

My advice to you: Give him permission to fuck you while you're asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Advice seeker:
    Considering a monthly sleep rape seems dangerous and frankly, is likely cost you more in therapy bills than the nights of your boyfriend bitching.
