Getting Forgiveness.


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah-im in love with a 33 year old man and im 18. -BlahBlahBlah- relationship is so strong. i dont know what he is feeling about me right now because he is in jail. -BlahBlahBlah- he went to jail because my father sent him there. he hit me last night because i had came home with the wrong drug. we show our love thru abusment and i would do anything to get him back -BlahBlahBlah- im going to go see him in jail sunday and need to know how can i put that i love him and im sorry for what i have done? -BlahBlahBlah-


This is a tough spot to be in because not only is he mad at you, but he's also mad at your dad for sending him to jail. What you need to do is convey to your dad that you and your boyfriend/pimp show your love through abusement.

After that you need to find a way to get your boyfriend/pimp to forgive your dad, and I'm sure that the forgiveness you seek will come following that.

My advice to you: Get your dad to win this guy's forgiveness by having your dad bail him out of jail. And if your dad won't bail him out of jail, then you should kill yourself, because there will be no way to salvage your relationship.

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