Me and My Roommate


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- 21 year old guy and I live with two girls. One of them has not been the greatest person to live with and so my other roommate and I -BlahBlahBlah-we have become pretty close and cherish our time together without the other roommate -BlahBlahBlah- ice cream, play mini golf, go to movies, go out to eat -BlahBlahBlah- setting up a tent in our living room -BlahBlahBlah- spend the nights in the tent sharing a single mattress -BlahBlahBlah- long conversations before going to sleep -BlahBlahBlah- usually about our sexual lives -BlahBlahBlah- I'm the only one she has talked to about such things. Is she coming on to me or is she just my best friend? I could easily live either way. -BlahBlahBlah-


Hate for the LFR (Least Favorite Roommate) is the greatest way to grow close with another roommate. But you're still her Lylab (loves you like a brother).
I'm hesitant to believe that you are totally indifferent to this, because you're ASKING "If."

So, if you really do want to F your roommate, and you're all about being an indentured BF and skipping the whole "What are we," phase, and having to find a new place to live if you meet someone else and possibly enter into an endless cycle of one rushed move-in relationship to another, then okay.

My advice to you: Band together and subject the LFR to subtle pranks until you can kick it up to M-bating on the LFR's bed (for sport) and see if she gives off any signals.

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