Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah-I have a lot of guy friends -BlahBlahBlah- One of my guy friends -BlahBlahBlah- only interested in her b/c she keeps blowing him off. This girl is -BlahBlahBlah- manly looking -BlahBlahBlah- several things about her that turn him off -BlahBlahBlah- now he says he wants to "bang her." -BlahBlahBlah- So when I asked him for guy advice, he told me -BlahBlahBlah- I need to be less available when I like a guy. -BlahBlahBlah- So my question is this - does a girl blowing you off really increase your interest in her??? -BlahBlahBlah- My guy friends all seem to fall for these stupid games -BlahBlahBlah- Do guys actually enjoy being blown off? -BlahBlahBlah- Is it my honesty that is screwing me up in the dating world? -BlahBlahBlah-
Psychologically the blow-off is a powerful tool. The misnomer is that girls consciously implement it and gain from it. Any girl who actually uses the blow-off as a strategy, reeks in other departments as a manipulative and needy girl.
Before long the blow-off artist will be written off as one of the two types of girls who usually give guys the blow-off.
The most common girl to blow guys off is the stupid-pretty girl. She says yes to everything and blows shit off all the time, yet she will never get around to mastering the normal shit that people do to make broken plans not seem like a fucking blow-off.
The other common blow-off comes from the so-so, unspectacular girl whose main priority in life is booze, and nursing hangovers.
Unlike the stupid-pretty girl, the so-so girl actually intended to hang out with the guy, but blew him off because she just plain lacks restraint when it comes to open-bar house parties, et al.
My advice to you: Stop turning every guy you meet into a lylab and you won't need manipulative tricks to get a bf.
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