Daughter has been expelled.


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- I have a 15yr old girl -BlahBlahBlah- 6th grade was a couple lunch detetions -BlahBlahBlah- 7th grade it was morning detetion, after school detentions, and ISS(in-school-suspension)-BlahBlahBlah- 8th grade -BlahBlahBlah- suspended from school. -BlahBlahBlah- Thats when I started really being strict with her. -BlahBlahBlah- When she got to High school it started being really bad -BlahBlahBlah- truancy started to catch up. -BlahBlahBlah- she promised this year that -BlahBlahBlah- but the first week she gets in a fight and then the second week she gets expelled for having pills -BlahBlahBlah- Junior with Freshmen credits -BlahBlahBlah- What are my options? -BlahBlahBlah-


So Dad was all over this until 8th grade and then you had to step in and get strict?

HA! For those of you who grew up in CandyLand, the answer to that question is: Dad's totally out of the picture and Mom just let her daughter burden teachers to the point of "slipping through the cracks," for (almost) the entire duration of middle school.

What's more is that your question is more focused on re-entering her into the classrooms which YOU make worse, as if your shitty parenting is not a factor.

You mentioned somewhere in your droning, ranting email that her ascent into her teens started with detention for chewing gum, leading to suspensions for violence - and finally - expulsion for drug possession.

Your daughter is not a victim of school violence because victims don't get suspended; they get sad looks from teachers (the same teachers who give detention for gum chewing to students they hate). Follow this logic into the concept that rogue bully girls only spawn from domestic violence, and (unless you're fucking trash) we'll just deduce that your daughter is running with a bad crowd.
-See also: Drug possession.

Why she's fallen in with a bad crowd probably has to do with the fact that she has an apathetic, absentee mom (as are most "moms" who know how to use the internet) who doesn't think she needs to parent her daughter until school calls a few dozen times.

I'd suggest taking the door off her bedroom but if she's violent then that will just prime her to fuck up your apartment (damage deposit style).
Plus, the root of this problem isn't that she needs to be bargained with.

My advice to you: Take away her cell phone. I know she has one, and let's face it, the whole "she needs a cell phone because I work till [blah blah blah] and need to be able to [blah]," is pretty much worthless if your current parenting plan cannot detour her from expulsion. Not having a cell phone will be a major hindrance on the social life she's chosen over her grades. Worst case scenario is that she'll get a job and have to start acting right to be able to finance her own cell phone.

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