Wedding Speech


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah-my best friend asked me to be her maid of honor -BlahBlahBlah- said yes -BlahBlahBlah- but do NOT think she should marry this guy-BlahBlahBlah-the last 2 year have been a lie...lied about his dad passing away..lied about heroin use...and so many more -BlahBlahBlah- i cant forgive him for the things he has done even if she has forgiven do i give a happy speech when i cant think of anything happy to say about him... -BlahBlahBlah- i want to do the right thing for my friend but also for myself and dont want to lose her friendship -BlahBlahBlah-


Cheating, heroin abusing, liars with estranged fathers usually don't get the type of blessing necessary to have a prospective father in law finance a grandiose reception so I'm sure the wait staff of whatever T.G.I. FRiDAY'S you'll end up in have heard more than their share of drunken bride's maids' poorly timed, spring break stories.

You also seem to be overlooking how (if you've judged this guy correctly) the best man's speech will probably be either a 15 minute string of ums, a 30 minute rundown of the groom's past lays, or dodged completely and substituted with a jovial toast from a parent.
I'm pretty sure your speech is not going to be the black cloud over this wedding.

My advice to you: Consider picking a maid of honor who will not view YOUR wedding day as all about her.

1 comment:

  1. when I needed to know how to write my own Maid Of Honor Speech, I needed all the help I could get. I had waited until the last minute to prepare my speech and was desperate for some advice.

    I decided to share what I learned with you. And support all of Maid and Matron’s Of Honors to be to hopefully help you in preparing your wedding speech.

