He's Making Me Feel Self Conscious


Dear Right Advice,

-BlahBlahBlah- my boyfriend is allowing a few people to have a mardi gras party at his roommates and his house. -BlahBlahBlah- He said that he wants to be the doorman and girls can't get in unless they "show him their tits." -BlahBlahBlah- since then he keeps saying "the more boobs the better." -BlahBlahBlah- makes me feel terribly self conscious. -BlahBlahBlah- Am I completely wrong for being upset about this? Or am I being too jealous? -BlahBlahBlah-


PS I'm not fat or ugly -BlahBlahBlah-


Did you pick that fucking picture to give me an idea of your breast size, or do you always bust out the camera and duck-face in tit shirts?

I'm sure you've asked your tit mongering boyfriend to be more respectful of you, but he knows he doesn't really have to listen to you.

What are you gonna do? Leave?

Your self esteem is so shot that you qualify yourself with post scripts!
"PS I'm not fat [nor] ugly. [here's a pic of me duck-facing in a tit shirt.]"

What's the process of thought behind that? That if you were fat and/or ugly that you'd be deserving of this shit?

I'm not talking to the fucking lylab guys when I say this... But, here's a shout-out to all the solid dudes out there who got dismissed simply for liking a girl who said to herself "that guy seems like he likes me, which probably means he's a creep, because only a creep would like me because I suck."

Duck-face, don't you see that tit mongering d-bags wouldn't have been able to procreate had their mates possessed a healthier self esteem?

You really need to come up with more descriptors of yourself, beyond The Not Fat [nor] Ugly, Duck-Facing, Tit Shirt Girl.

My advice to you: Bone a different dude. I know that sounds like a trashy move, but you're not going to grow with your current boyfriend so you're already pointed in the bone a different dude direction; just wrap it up and get out of there. You'll probably find the different dude refreshing too.

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