Getting Dogged and His Friend Wants Me


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- been dating this guy off and on for two years -BlahBlahBlah- he always cheated on me -BlahBlahBlah- got back together a few days ago and im already hearing shit from his close friend josh who wants me and travis to break up so he can have me -BlahBlahBlah- i told him we are only close friends and thats all we will ever be -BlahBlahBlah- he told me a few minutes ago that travis has another girlfriend -BlahBlahBlah- should i believe him or not i dont think he has ever lied to me before -BlahBlahBlah-


First off, it doesn't matter what you tell these guys because they know that what you say is bullshit and sooner or later you'll bend over for them.

Next I'd like to point out the fundamental difference between these two phrases:
"[He wants me to break up with Travis] so I can be with him."
"[Blah Blah Blah] so he can have me."

Your phrasing illustrates the roll you play in this scenario. You're not a girl, you're a thing.

You're with Travis because he wears a gold chain and his brother's cologne. Enough girls want to be with him, and his friend probably has fucked up teeth or some ambiguous nickname like "Janks."

This guy is talking shit about Travis behind his back, and I'm pretty sure their friendship is not on the line. If you were Travis' bottom bitch, it would probably cause beef between them. But, this is more of a - one man's trash is another man's treasure - sort of scenario.

Homie is just looking for a dose of self esteem and you're his easiest opportunity.

This is also an opportunity for you to finally take control of a situation.

My advice to you: Get with Travis' friend. Play him like a puppet, do some damage to their friendship and like yourself a little better.

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