Downgraded from BFF to Just Friend


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- I was kinda bored today and so I started to text friends, and I sent one to her:

Me: Whats up?
Her: I'm busy >:(
Me: -BlahBlahBlah- I didn't know. ttyl.
Her: Ok sara b4 u leave can i tell u something that will hurt u.
Me: Go ahead. -BlahBlahBlah-
Her: Ur not my bff srry but ur my just friend.
Me: -BlahBlahBlah- Alright I can understand that it?
Her: Yes and im not ur bff ok?
Me: -BlahBlahBlah- I read it the first time XD why did u say that twice? -BlahBlahBlah-
Her: I didnt
Me: Well from the other text...oh whatever. -BlahBlahBlah-

- At this point -BlahBlahBlah- she is ignoring me. She has this one friend she went to see eclipes with, and they are close too, -BlahBlahBlah- her BFFFFFF (or whatever she calls it) is probably -BlahBlahBlah-

-BlahBlahBlah- how can I exactly feel normal again? It feels weird thinking I am just a friend to her. -BlahBlahBlah-


What the fuck! When you tell someone that you're BFF's, it's forever. You can't just walk out on that.

Are you sure this isn't a Team Jacob thing?
Team Edward obviously knows the definition of forever.

But seriously, that bitch needs to be taught a lesson.
What you should do is gather up all the shit of hers that's in your room, and item by item, bring something of hers to school each day which she'll have to carry around as a reminder - to her and the whole school - of what a rotten person she is.

Also, you definitely deserve some closure.
Make sure you get it in a public place so she can't punk out and ignore you.

As far as how to get you to feel normal again,

My advice to you: Stop BFF-ing people. You're a BFF bottom, which means you'll never be any cooler than your BFF, so if you want to be popular, you're going to have to become cool on your own.

1 comment:

  1. i can't stop laughing, this just made my day
